Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Longing

Death isn’t hard or frightening. Instead death is pleasant, simple and easy. Life however is complicated, frightening and enduring. But an endless longing rested within me for just that; a desperate wish for life. But I would never walk across an elegant stage in a long gown and cap, I would never run along the beautiful sandy beaches of a tropical island nor would I ever live to fall into the beautiful dream of love.

Instead my body rested upon an uncomfortable bed. Day after day I stared at the fading pea green paint that covered the walls while dozens of tubes where painfully inserted into my feeble flesh. The window sill lay decorated with gorgeous flowers intricately arranged. The gestures of love touched me, but I was only reminded of all the beautiful treasures that I would severely miss. Caring family and friends constantly visited me, giving me pleasurable moments. Yet they always left with tears glistening in their eyes though they tried in vain to never show their pain. But never would they see the immensity of my aching hurt.

Tears will never seep out from these eyes, at least not in front of anyone. Never have my hearts weeping scars been seen. Some say for that I am strong. But that’s a lie. I suffer alone. When the lights become dim and the stars dance in the evening sky my heart begins to cry, longing to leisurely drift away into the skies eternal realms, except this wouldn’t be. Death would suffocate my soul and massacre every dream and desire of my heart.

My gaze drifted towards the window. Beyond the transparent glass lay a darkened sky like a demons mind. Yet a lone star glistened with boldness and intense radiance. It seemed to whisper comforting peace into my soul yet a sincere longing stirred within my body. Transfixed by its beauty I gently whispered, “star light, star bright...” My quivering voice quietly echoed against the walls of this hellish realm with weak hope. “The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. I wish for...” I drew in a deep breath as a stagger before finishing my desperate plea. “I wish for life tonight”. A single tear escapes, falling gently onto my chest, resting above my heart. My gaze still locked upon the brilliant star glimmering with tears of pure gold for one last moment before I softly close my eyelids.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chapstick- Never let your lips go naked!

Lip Balm. It’s an essential to every human being. What do you use to prevent the awful pain from burnt lips? Who comes to the rescue when your lips cry out in agony as they begin the horrid process of disintegration? And what do you sneakily apply before that perfect kiss? That’s right, it’s lip balm. Yet in today’s society the lip balm section no longer includes only a few but hundreds of rows of cylinder tubes begging to be chosen. So who’s pleading call will you answer? Chapstick’s Moisturizer Vanilla Mint. Upon trying dozens of lip balms, Chapstick’s Moisturizer Vanilla Mint is definitely my preferred choice. Not only does it beautifully heal and protect dry and chapped lips but leaves a tingly feeling of pleasure to your lips. And do you have to pay the big bucks for a product that actually works? Nope. It’s affordable yet still luxurious. Chapstick’s Moisturizer Vanilla Mint will leave you begging for more!

The End of the World

I couldn’t believe it! The powerful voices continued their frightening discussion.

“Let’s take out Canada first! It’s completely infested with beastly polar bears and excruciatingly brainless ice fishers!” a fractious yet commanding voice bellowed.

“Nah,” another voice interjected, “let’s exterminate Europe first”.

“NO! We’ll bomb the United Sates first and then destroy Australia!” A booming voice declared. Soon a dozen richly powerful voices sounded up in an epic battle of words, some speaking unfamiliar foreign languages. But then a thunderous voice shook the room, filling it with conviction and complete authority... and a voice eerily familiar.

“STOP!” it shouted, suffocating all dialogue that arose from the group. The noise immediately seized as if a fearsome monster shadowed over them, draining all speech from their tongues. What was most alarming was that I suddenly placed the memorable voice, sending a chilling shiver to all fibres of my body like a shower of ice flowing throughout my veins. It was the voice of my father. I placed my ear closer to the cold crystal cup that was placed against a massively closed door, straining to hear more. “It’s already been decided,” the sinister silence held on. “We will destroy the world, all of it, and all at once”. A gasp escaped through my lips though quickly I

covered my mouth fearing to be heard.

“But Master, what creation is powerful enough for that?” A brave soul questioned though a bit of fear filled his voice.

“My beloved Firouz,” my father affectionately responded, “I have invented a bomb. A bomb that is so powerful and mightily ingenious! I call it ‘The Jahmakkinatilunanio’”.

“The what Master!?!?” a confused and perplexed voice asked. A quiet chuckling rose from the congregation at the appalling name.

Enraged my fathered shouted. “ENOUGH!!! I INVENTED IT!” “Therefore,” an eerily calmness suddenly overtook him, “I rightly deserve whatever name I choose. And let me forewarn you,” he continued, “the bomb will be released from a space shuttle in exactly 13.76 seconds”. A startled crowd gasped at this preposterous statement.

“But Master,” a rather pleading voice spoke, “what about us?”

“What about you?” He asked, replying in an unconcerned voice. “You knew this was going to be a kamikaze mission. But please my beloved servants, do not fear. By doing this you will obtain everlasting life! We now have only 9.54 seconds”.

I had to stop this! Adrenaline rushed through my body, bolder and more powerful than I had ever experienced. I dashed down the long narrow corridor to the empty study and grabbed the nearest phone.

“Operator!” I shouted into the receiver, “I need to speak to the President of the World! This is an emergency!!!”

“I’m sorry, the President of the World is in a meeting” a female voice responded rather startled by the strange request. I could only fathom what meeting the President was attending at this early hour of morning...

I then knew what I must perform; it was my only other choice. The seconds were ticking and time was running dangerously close. I sprinted into the game room and spotted the machine gun used to hunt wild buffalo. Clutching the heavy gun, I ran like a ferocious cheetah pursuing its fateful prey. I reached the giant oak wood door where the bizarre meeting was being held. I tried twisting the golden door knob which was engraved with withering serpents. But it was locked, my attempt futile. But my sympathetic nervous system triggered my senses; blood flowed in immeasurable amounts into my muscles. I was Godzilla! And I was ready to crush my unfortunate victims. With vigorous force I broke the door down. It slammed, creating a thunderous echo, onto the marble floor, revealing a dozen men draped in long black robes encircling an old wooden table. “ENOUGH!” I screamed at the disgusting men. “STOP THE BOMB AND I WILL SPARE YOU!” But malicious laughter sounding from these evil men was my only immediate response.

“It’s too late my beautiful daughter!” Snickered the master as a sick smile submerged onto his face. Shame filled my body at the thought that such a preposterous and wicked man was my father.

I aimed the cold heavy killing machine at my father. Suddenly the space filled with a frightening blare. A deafening and even beeping sound engulfed the room! Red flashing lights flickered, dancing wildly upon the walls! The roar of the beeping increased. I refocused lining the tip of the gun perfectly towards my father’s pale shaven head. I had only less than a second left.


I pulled the heavy trigger. A thousand bullets shot directly into my father’s skull like piercing arrows flinging from a hunters bow. His skull ruptured, hurling fragments of brain and deep red blood into the pungent air. At that exact moment, the red light seized flashing, creating a permanent crimson glow across the room. A thundering noise pierced throughout the dungeon-like area. The loud shrill continued, penetrating across the universe.

Then for a moment the world stopped. For a moment the world hung with fear crippling its movement. And only for a moment more the world lived.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Book of Negroes

The Book of Negroes contains many possible themes, yet the strength of the human spirit is always present throughout the entire novel. The main character, Aminata, clearly demonstrates determination, endurance and persistence even through life's obstacles. From her tale we can develop into a new and inspired person.

Society has always been wrapped up in obtaining worldly possessions and is becoming even more desirous for these commodities in later years. People in today's world are endlessly obsessed and worried over their status. Beauty and wealth are the two most focused and prized qualities. But should beauty and other cherished qualities determine a person's class? Because "[b]eauty comes and goes, strength stays forever". Perhpas society is wrong in its method of categorizing individuals. Innner strenght is truly something virtuous to idolize. Aminata thoroughly displays strength, both physically and internally. If we all possessed the same vigorous ambitin to endure an conquerlife as Aminata did, I believe this world would become an entirely different place. A place filled with people of hope, peace and love.

All throughout Aminata's life she is constantly losing the possessions she loves most. "[Her] children were like phantom limbs, lost but still attached to [her], gone but still painful. All [she] knew was that the people [she] had loved more than anything else in life had all been torn from [her]. The pain of [her] losses never really went away. The limbs had been svered, and they would forever after be missing. But [she] kept going. Somehow, [she] just kept going." Aminata demonstrates tremendous valour and strength of the human spirit in these moments of despair and tragedy. It seems there is nothing worth living for, yet Aminata endures; believing in tomorrow's hope. Through her eagerness to learn she escapes realities horrors and gains peace and strenght within herself. She uses the knowledge and wisdom acquired throughout her journey to help in her survival, not only physically but emotionally and spiritually.

Even though we might not be imprisoned into slavery, torn away from the innocenece of childhood or have our family and friends sluaghtered and stolen away from our lives, we too face adversity and tribulations. While our ordeals may be small in comparsion they are still a present part of our existence. Despite the anguish and challenges of life we must look towards the joys and pleasures that still remain. Like Aminata, valour and inner strenght is required to survive and succeed in life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thanks For Freedom

Freedom... so easily overlooked and taken for granted. Yet throughout history and through the accounts of valiant survivors from injustice events, we learn of its priceless and valuable gift. Recently reading “The Book of Negroes” I have renewed my appreciation for liberty. We are given equal rights for all races and genders. Countless opportunities such as being able to obtain an education, participate in votes and determine our own future come only because of being free. Through time, these opportunities and gifts have been slowly losing meaning and value in our society. Do we not appreciate the sacrifices of our ancestors and courageous men who have stood up to antagonists to attain such things? We need to look back upon yesterdays where those not as fortunate as ourselves have been under imprisoning bondage. Today, we live luxuriously, continue to prosper and build promising and bright futures. Without freedom all our remarkable and extraordinary opportunities would vanish. I am with no doubt grateful for freedom.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Dangers of Unresponsiveness.

“The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson, contains an appalling end. In this concluding scene a young girl is violently stoned by people that appeared so ordinary and normal. Similar occurrences have happened throughout history. The Holocaust, Rwanda and the Civil Rights Movement took place in a civilized world. Millions of lives were persecuted by educated and cultured individuals. Those lives should have been saved from enraged and traumatized people. But they were not. The outside world was not even angered or shaken. They stood immobilized to the fact that horrifying acts were taking place. This was the case demonstrated in “The Lottery”.

Elie Wiesel’s speech, “The Perils of Indifference”, also conveys circumstances were normal people were insensitive and did not react to the horrific plight of others. Elie warns of the dangers of apathy. There are countless times in history where cases of cruel and extreme hatred to innocent people have caused sadistic suffering to them. All of these cases should have been prevented by the intervention of shaken and infuriated humans. But like the townspeople in “The Lottery” man has been insensitive to these events. Elie continues his warning that because of the world’s lack of concern, thousands of people have suffered. We must learn from the lessons of yesterdays and reach out to anguished and afflicted people.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lyla Moondancer's Burning Love

Once upon a time in a land not far away lived a fair damsel named Lyla Moondancer. Of course like any fairy tale the lady was in distress. You see, an infuriated mob of giant purple ogres with fluorescent green polka dots and blood thirsty red eyes was pursuing her. At any moment they were ready to crush Lyla’s precious skull and devour her delicate flesh. She dodged massive pine trees and hurdled over decaying fallen logs.

Now we cannot let her die such a gruesome death, for that would not be very suitable for a fairy tale. Luckily, a Prince was nearby fishing for magical porpoises. Just as he cast in his hook and line he heard the shrilling screams of a damsel in distress! The ground shook as pounding footsteps of the ghastly ogres followed their frightful prey. The Prince shot up in response, drew out his sword and bounded after the alarming sounds eager for an adventure!

As the chase continued fateful Miss Moondancer unfortunately passed a cave. It wouldn’t be so bad if this cave wasn’t inhabited by an ill tempered and fearsome dragon known by Ascot the Atrocious. Ascot had just settled down on top of his prized treasure. Enraged he rose from his slumber shook off the diamonds and gold coins from his scales. Beating his mighty wings he flew out of the mouth of the cave to put an end to such a disturbing and thunderous racket. Ascot the Atrocious instantly spotted the fleeing lady, fluorescent coloured ogres and the pathetically determined Prince. The dragon shook his head in dismay.

Without warning Ascot’s fiery and fatal breath put the forest in flames! No longer shrilling screams did the fair damsel squeal. Only the muffled cries of desperation and anxiety did she exclaim. Suddenly the dragon was filled with remorse and unfamiliar compassion. Following his heart Ascot swooped down and rescued Lyla. Their eyes interlocked and their hearts intertwined. Unexplainable love cultivated between them. And so they flew away living happily ever after and leaving the ill fated forest ablaze.