Monday, January 18, 2010

The End of the World

I couldn’t believe it! The powerful voices continued their frightening discussion.

“Let’s take out Canada first! It’s completely infested with beastly polar bears and excruciatingly brainless ice fishers!” a fractious yet commanding voice bellowed.

“Nah,” another voice interjected, “let’s exterminate Europe first”.

“NO! We’ll bomb the United Sates first and then destroy Australia!” A booming voice declared. Soon a dozen richly powerful voices sounded up in an epic battle of words, some speaking unfamiliar foreign languages. But then a thunderous voice shook the room, filling it with conviction and complete authority... and a voice eerily familiar.

“STOP!” it shouted, suffocating all dialogue that arose from the group. The noise immediately seized as if a fearsome monster shadowed over them, draining all speech from their tongues. What was most alarming was that I suddenly placed the memorable voice, sending a chilling shiver to all fibres of my body like a shower of ice flowing throughout my veins. It was the voice of my father. I placed my ear closer to the cold crystal cup that was placed against a massively closed door, straining to hear more. “It’s already been decided,” the sinister silence held on. “We will destroy the world, all of it, and all at once”. A gasp escaped through my lips though quickly I

covered my mouth fearing to be heard.

“But Master, what creation is powerful enough for that?” A brave soul questioned though a bit of fear filled his voice.

“My beloved Firouz,” my father affectionately responded, “I have invented a bomb. A bomb that is so powerful and mightily ingenious! I call it ‘The Jahmakkinatilunanio’”.

“The what Master!?!?” a confused and perplexed voice asked. A quiet chuckling rose from the congregation at the appalling name.

Enraged my fathered shouted. “ENOUGH!!! I INVENTED IT!” “Therefore,” an eerily calmness suddenly overtook him, “I rightly deserve whatever name I choose. And let me forewarn you,” he continued, “the bomb will be released from a space shuttle in exactly 13.76 seconds”. A startled crowd gasped at this preposterous statement.

“But Master,” a rather pleading voice spoke, “what about us?”

“What about you?” He asked, replying in an unconcerned voice. “You knew this was going to be a kamikaze mission. But please my beloved servants, do not fear. By doing this you will obtain everlasting life! We now have only 9.54 seconds”.

I had to stop this! Adrenaline rushed through my body, bolder and more powerful than I had ever experienced. I dashed down the long narrow corridor to the empty study and grabbed the nearest phone.

“Operator!” I shouted into the receiver, “I need to speak to the President of the World! This is an emergency!!!”

“I’m sorry, the President of the World is in a meeting” a female voice responded rather startled by the strange request. I could only fathom what meeting the President was attending at this early hour of morning...

I then knew what I must perform; it was my only other choice. The seconds were ticking and time was running dangerously close. I sprinted into the game room and spotted the machine gun used to hunt wild buffalo. Clutching the heavy gun, I ran like a ferocious cheetah pursuing its fateful prey. I reached the giant oak wood door where the bizarre meeting was being held. I tried twisting the golden door knob which was engraved with withering serpents. But it was locked, my attempt futile. But my sympathetic nervous system triggered my senses; blood flowed in immeasurable amounts into my muscles. I was Godzilla! And I was ready to crush my unfortunate victims. With vigorous force I broke the door down. It slammed, creating a thunderous echo, onto the marble floor, revealing a dozen men draped in long black robes encircling an old wooden table. “ENOUGH!” I screamed at the disgusting men. “STOP THE BOMB AND I WILL SPARE YOU!” But malicious laughter sounding from these evil men was my only immediate response.

“It’s too late my beautiful daughter!” Snickered the master as a sick smile submerged onto his face. Shame filled my body at the thought that such a preposterous and wicked man was my father.

I aimed the cold heavy killing machine at my father. Suddenly the space filled with a frightening blare. A deafening and even beeping sound engulfed the room! Red flashing lights flickered, dancing wildly upon the walls! The roar of the beeping increased. I refocused lining the tip of the gun perfectly towards my father’s pale shaven head. I had only less than a second left.


I pulled the heavy trigger. A thousand bullets shot directly into my father’s skull like piercing arrows flinging from a hunters bow. His skull ruptured, hurling fragments of brain and deep red blood into the pungent air. At that exact moment, the red light seized flashing, creating a permanent crimson glow across the room. A thundering noise pierced throughout the dungeon-like area. The loud shrill continued, penetrating across the universe.

Then for a moment the world stopped. For a moment the world hung with fear crippling its movement. And only for a moment more the world lived.

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