Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Book of Negroes

The Book of Negroes contains many possible themes, yet the strength of the human spirit is always present throughout the entire novel. The main character, Aminata, clearly demonstrates determination, endurance and persistence even through life's obstacles. From her tale we can develop into a new and inspired person.

Society has always been wrapped up in obtaining worldly possessions and is becoming even more desirous for these commodities in later years. People in today's world are endlessly obsessed and worried over their status. Beauty and wealth are the two most focused and prized qualities. But should beauty and other cherished qualities determine a person's class? Because "[b]eauty comes and goes, strength stays forever". Perhpas society is wrong in its method of categorizing individuals. Innner strenght is truly something virtuous to idolize. Aminata thoroughly displays strength, both physically and internally. If we all possessed the same vigorous ambitin to endure an conquerlife as Aminata did, I believe this world would become an entirely different place. A place filled with people of hope, peace and love.

All throughout Aminata's life she is constantly losing the possessions she loves most. "[Her] children were like phantom limbs, lost but still attached to [her], gone but still painful. All [she] knew was that the people [she] had loved more than anything else in life had all been torn from [her]. The pain of [her] losses never really went away. The limbs had been svered, and they would forever after be missing. But [she] kept going. Somehow, [she] just kept going." Aminata demonstrates tremendous valour and strength of the human spirit in these moments of despair and tragedy. It seems there is nothing worth living for, yet Aminata endures; believing in tomorrow's hope. Through her eagerness to learn she escapes realities horrors and gains peace and strenght within herself. She uses the knowledge and wisdom acquired throughout her journey to help in her survival, not only physically but emotionally and spiritually.

Even though we might not be imprisoned into slavery, torn away from the innocenece of childhood or have our family and friends sluaghtered and stolen away from our lives, we too face adversity and tribulations. While our ordeals may be small in comparsion they are still a present part of our existence. Despite the anguish and challenges of life we must look towards the joys and pleasures that still remain. Like Aminata, valour and inner strenght is required to survive and succeed in life.

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