Monday, September 21, 2009

Top 3 Things That Come To My Mind

Top 3 things that come to my mind...

The rules are simple, whatever pops into my head. So, starting now!

1. 9:56. That's the time. With piles of math, english and biology homework left to do. And the fact that I'm desperately sleep deprived. I've got about 8 and a half hours of homework left to do and all due by tomorrow. Oh, and two tests I haven't even started studying. Ugh. Field hockey everyday, not that I don't love it. And my parents telling me to get off the computer and go to bed. I just need more time. Or a wonderful miracle to happen. I wouldn't mind that...

2. Kindergarten... I want to go back. Right now. I never thought that I would ever get to where I am. At least so fast. My future is so bright and exciting. But I'll admit, I'm scared. My dreams and goals seem so far above my capability. And I miss the freedom of childhood. I'm not ready for all the responsibilities. How am I suppose to be the hero that's inside of me? It's not easy. I wish I could just go back in time. I want to go back to kindergarten.

And lastly...

3. Fresh homemade waffles with just picked peaches and raspberries on top. And of course completed with the simple scoop of whipping cream! Mmmmmmm. And I'm not even hungry. But that would be quite pleasant. Just the taste of the hot, slightly crispy waffle moistened by the bountiful fruit topping and the deliciously creamy taste of whipping cream. Besides, what else would be on my mind?


  1. I love the topic it is very original and spontaneous. I also like how you gave insight into your life through each of the random things you talk about from how much you like field hockey to the fear about what's in the future it gave me a sense of who you are. My one suggestion would be to develop more on an idea and use a little more description

  2. I enjoy the destructured form you writing has, very refreshing from the usual written response. Your imagery about the waffles was particularly powerful to me and left me wanting breakfast something awful. One suggestion I would give would be to extend a little further on one idea. But otherwise well done! :D
