Friday, September 11, 2009

If only I had super powers...

I have super-super powers! I can soar through the galaxy and speak ANY language . And of course, I have the ability of extra strength beyond any human capability. With these super-super powers, I can be the hero, improving and saving thousands of lives. And I've got a plan...

First, I would take an evening flight (by my flying powers) among the stars. Then I would land in Africa (my dream)! Uganda would be my first stop but I would go EVERYWHERE. Starting in the remote country sides, I would help the communities come together and enrich the lives of the African people. I'll have to find out what they need, which is where my language power comes in hand! And with my mighty strength I would help build them schools, wells, health centres, and whatever their need may be. I would travel throughout all the areas and give education, health, hope and a brilliant future to people without. And in case, of any dangerous incidences, I've got my super strong muscles!

And now that my dream is achieved I would fulfill another. Instead of trips to the stars, I would fly to other countries all over the world and continue to enhance the lives of those in need!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your putting your super-super powers to great use!~!
